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Hi there,

My name is Edgar Tudela, I'm from Barcelona and I'm a 3D Character Artist. I think I found that vocation when I was a little boy. I spent all the days drawing comics and playing videogames ( yes, after my homeworks was done =] ), and I though could join both hobbies doing some 3D in the computer of my father. I can still remember the really big books of 3ds Max with Dragon Ball and X-Men comics, sharing the same place in my room.


I tried Autocad too, but someday ( I don't remember exactly when ), I focused on 3ds Max. With my firsts steps on that program and realising how enormous were the possibilities of that 'world', I wanted to model organic characters ( my passion after all ). And doing some hard work from there, my steps have led me here.


And now it's time to keep this passion in the summit.



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